Sundays at 9:15a & 11a
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Location & Time
Sundays at 9:15a & 11a
Passion Creek Church
20435 S Old Ellsworth Rd,
Queen Creek, AZ 85142

Our babies and preschoolers are checked in before service starts. Every week they watch a Bible lesson and play together.

Our children stay in the sanctuary for worship and then get dismissed right before the message. Every week they spend time learning a Bible lesson, and finish with an activity.

Jesus, Safety, & Fun
Our biggest priorities are: Jesus, safety, and fun.
- All of our leaders and helpers are background checked.
- We have a qualified and trained security team guarding the premises.
- We never ignore a parent’s issues or concerns. We look into them with full vigilance.
Serve in PCC Kids
There are several ways you can serve in PCC Kids.
- 0-Preschool Teacher or Helper
- K-5th Teacher or Helper
- Check-In Desk
When you sign up to volunteer, we will provide training before you serve on your own.
Kids Curriculum
Every week, kids will experience the good news of the gospel through the Gospel Project Bible study that is:
- Christ Centered: It’s all about Jesus, and every story points back to Him.
- Heart Transforming: This study is designed to encourage true transformation that comes only from the gospel, not from behavior modification.
- Age Aligned: Each week, every participant—from preschoolers to 5th graders—study from the same section of Scripture.
- Chronological: All age levels study the narrative of the Bible in order, from Genesis to Revelation.
- Theologically Rich: All studies are presented in an age-aware manner, and every session is doctrinally sound and thorough.
- Missionally Minded: Every session calls participants to respond by sharing and living out the gospel.
What Do I Wear?
Most of us are very casual with what we wear. Unless it’s Christmas or Easter, you’ll likely never see anyone in a tie. Even our Pastor wears a t-shirt on most Sundays.
What About Our Children?
Our children’s ministry values 3 things: 1) Jesus, 2) Safety and 3) Fun! Every worker is background checked and they’re never alone.
We have a nursery for the little ones and a Children’s Church service for children up to the age of 12.
For our bigger kids (ages 5-12), they worship with us for the first 3 songs and then are dismissed to Children’s Church for the rest of the service.
Do You Have Communion?
We usually make communion available each and every week. We love to make the cross and resurrection central to our service.
Are You Asking For My Money?
We never ask newcomers to give to our church. In fact, we don’t even pass a bucket. We know it’s a big stumbling block for a lot of people and we do our best to make it about Christ and Christ alone.
However, we believe it is a joy to love and serve the church in every way possible and that includes giving our resources for the Kingdom. We keep a tight budget that maximizes the most opportunities for the advancement of the gospel.
How Can I Learn More About You?
You can watch our pastor document his life on YouTube. We believe it’s a great way to get to know the culture of our church and take a peek at the messages he delivers on Sundays.
You can also learn a lot about our community at our about page. Please let us know if you have any questions.